Developing Our Work

Community consultations help us to develop our work in a way that responds to the needs, hopes and expectations of the community. Craigmillar Literacy Trust carried out a community consultation from September 2020 until March 2021, to understand how the wider community views literacy support in the area. 


The response to the consultation showed us that:

  • The understanding of the term ‘literacy’ is broad and wide-ranging.
  • There is enthusiasm for an inclusive, community-based literacy support programme in the wider Craigmillar area.
  • Parents, carers and schools would love to see more creative, fun activities and events that involve families, with a focus on play and informal learning.
  • Local organisations are keen to work together to explore improving literacy outcomes for every age group, including adults.

The results of this consultation work will influence our current and future projects.

Community Consultation 2021

This report brings together the findings of the consultation, and makes a number of recommendations for approaches and activities for children, young people and families. It also makes some recommendations for exploring adult literacy work in the community.
